The NACFB Awards are a great way to demonstrate how you as a lender Patron have stood out from the crowd over the last twelve months. To help you make a successful entry, here are some top tips to assist you in completing a compelling entry.

1.    Leave enough time

  • Enter early – a last minute rush is likely to impact on the quality of your submission

  • The process invariably takes longer than expected, particularly if you need sign-offs

  • Allocate yourself more time than you think you will need


2.    Communicate with clarity

  • Read the questions carefully, and ensure you target your answers to the question.

  • Keep focused and ensure all information is relevant

  • Be concise, clear and focused – with clean, easy-to-digest copy

  • Avoid jargon, inflated claims, unexplained acronyms and unedited copy-and-pasting


3.    Don’t ignore the rules

  • Word count – The judges are on a deadline too so are keen to read concise copy

  • Keep within the upload sizes requested

  • Adhere to stipulated PDF and .doc upload formats

  • Submit by the closing date!


4.    Assign somebody to the job

  • Designate someone in your company as the Awards coordinator – responsible for collating information, contacting referred clients, consulting colleagues, checking facts, chasing up, writing the initial draft and keeping an eye on timeline and deadline

5.    Include clear evidence

  • Provide examples and case studies

  • The more quotes from satisfied brokers the better

  • Pertinent facts and figures can improve your award entry

  • Where necessary validate your claims to enable the judges to evaluate their impact

Using these guidance notes will not guarantee success, but it will give your entry the best possible chance of making compelling reading for the judging panel.

Good luck!